On May 27, 1962, a small group of Christians met in a home in downtown L.A. and broke bread for the first time as the church in Los Angeles. In December, Witness Lee moved to L.A. and held a conference on the all-inclusive Christ. This marked a turning point in the move of the Lord from the East to the West. In the ensuing years, the Lord poured out a spirit of revival, as seminary students, hippies, farmers, immigrants, and academics alike were blown by the Spirit to a meeting place called Elden Hall. This is their story.
But be careful and guard your soul diligently, so that you do not forget the things which your eyes have seen and they do not depart from your heart all the days of your life; rather, make them known to your children and to your grandchildren.
– Deuteronomy 4:9
On this website you will find written history, video and audio interviews, photographs, and artifacts. We will feature new history chapters periodically, so be sure to subscribe to be notified when new material is released.

Archival work in progress.

Copies of The Stream magazine.

Letters published in The Stream magazine, 1963.

Elden Hall, 1970.

Translation changes were often made in real time.

Gospel march in L.A.

Gospel meeting invitation card.
On this website you will find written history, video and audio interviews, photographs, and artifacts. We will feature new history chapters periodically, so be sure to subscribe to be notified.
Title of Video
Title of Video
Title of Video
Especially do not forget the day when you stood before Jehovah your God at Horeb, when Jehovah said to me, Gather the people to Me, and I will let them hear My words, so that they may learn to fear Me all the days that they live upon the earth and may teach their children as much.
– Deuteronomy 4:10
To view Chapter 1, click on the photo. New chapters will follow each month as we trace the history. Subscribe below to be notified when new material is released.

As an oral history project, the L.A. Years depends on the testimonies of saints who were in L.A. and beyond from 1958-1974. If that includes you or your family, we'd like to hear from you. Contact us at the link below if you would like to share your story, photographs, and other artifacts.
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